The day has come, you applied for a great job and got a phone call from an HR manager who wants to meet with you.
Does the idea of having an interview for a job you want puts you on edge? Does it provoke a desire to hide somewhere and never show up?
You are not alone! Even the most qualified job seekers feel nervous when preparing for the job interview. It has always been the case. But with the far-reaching effects, the pandemic had on employment prospects securing a decent job has become even more daunting.
So, here are 4 interview tips on how to give a naturally confident interview that really allows you to shine.
Let’s get right into it!
1. Research the Company & Analyse Job Description
I suggest we get our priorities right - first things first!
Before we start talking about interview tips regarding verbal communication and other subjects, we should discuss the importance of researching the company and carefully analysing the job description.
But why is this part so important?
Organizations want to hire people with matching values to those in their culture. Researching the company before an interview will give you valuable insight into the company's future vision & goals. And being able to discuss these points will make you seem like a well-versed candidate to your future employer.
Once you’re done researching the company, go back to the job description page (again). Use the job description as a guide for the preparation process.
Make a list of skills, qualifications, and professional qualities that are required by the employer. Then, think about how to align your set of skills and experience with these details.
This is one of the most crucial interview tips I can give, as it provides the foundation for all future steps of your interview preparation process.
When research is done, and you have a clear idea of what the company is looking for, it’s time to think about personal marketing’.
2. Clarify your ‘Selling Points’
If you have carefully analysed the job description, you know perfectly well what qualities you should bring to the table.
It is now the time to think about how to present your strong sides and align them with the organization’s requirements.
Prepare to go into every interview with three to five key selling points in mind. Think about those points in advance and prepare specific, job-related examples of your skills to illustrate how well-fitted you are for the job.
If communication skills are included as a necessary skill for the job, make sure you bring a specific example. You can talk about a specific event in the past, a whole experience with a former employer, or you can even run to your relationship with your parents, friends, or partner!
If communication was a part of the deal, that’s a good example!
Also, if you have metrics or stats to show your accomplishments or growth during your previous roles, they're a great help in selling yourself during the interview. For example, you may have increased sales by a certain percentage or increased social media engagement in your last position.
Let’s be honest! You know perfectly well that you will likely be asked about your strong sides, motives, and specific work you’ve completed regarding the position. If you know that this and other common questions wil pop up, why not prepare in advance?
This will save you from stress and you will be able to give constructive and effective responses.
3. Consider your Answers to Common Interview Questions
While it is true that you won’t be able to predict every question you’ll be asked in an interview, there are a few common questions you can plan answers for.
Your pre-prepared ‘selling points’ for instance, will help you answer questions about your strong sides. And, that question will be asked for sure.
Here is the list of other common questions you are going to hear during a job interview :
• Could you tell me about yourself and describe your background in brief?
• Why do you want to work for our organization?
• Why are you the best candidate for this job?
• What type of work environment do you prefer?
• What interests you about this role?
Prepare the answers to these questions in advance and know them like the back of your hand. You don’t want to lose valuable time thinking about them during the interview. You might also consider developing an elevator pitch that quickly describes who you are, what you do, and what you want.
This way, you will seem better prepared, determined, and self-confident. Rest assured that those characteristics are highly valued by all employers!
4. Prepare your Questions for the Interviewer
Okay, let’s assume that you have prepared answers to the common interview questions. Yet, an interviewer is not the only person who should be asking questions.
For the interview to be successful, it needs to be a two-way street. It should be more of an open, fun, and easy-going conversation.
But that is so much easier said than done.
Most people are so nervous and concentrated on giving the right answers that they forget to ask the right questions.
Let’s assume that you are planning to stay in the company for two years (In case they hire you, of course). It means that you are investing 4,000 hours of your life in that job! It’s a serious business and you should understand whether the company is worth your time and life!
Plus, asking specific questions about the work environment, culture, and the processes will show an interviewer that you know what you want for your life, as all high achievers do!
And it’s not only about showing that you are a goal-oriented, but self-confident person also who knows what they want. It is also about having a simple human conversation.
It is easy to see an interviewer as a robot, whose only job is to scan you and evaluate you. But that’s not the case!
I don’t know if you have ever interviewed a person for a job before, but I have. And I know how difficult it is to sit there, ask question by question without receiving feedback or clarifying questions from a candidate. Remember, an interviewer is a person too, s/he also needs to have an ordinary conversation with another human being.
To Sum
These interview tips will help you stand out from other candidates and be confident in what you have to offer. Remember: Whether you are hired or not, going through the interview process helps you develop your skills and prepares you for more success in the future.
So, don’t stress yourself and look at every job interview as the end of the world! And remember, Huntzen is always here to help!
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